Electrical & Electronic Engineering is a fascinating field, and one which could make your time a challenging, enriching and rewarding experience. It is an evergreen course in terms of knowledge, employability and skill. Just as the world needs its Doctors, Nurses and Teachers, Electrical Engineering is something which we simply couldn’t do without. The world most greatest known achievements which are always a part of golden history could have never been possible without electrical engineering. If you like the idea of creating electrical systems which could help millions of people on a day to day basis, like the systems used in phones, or computers, then these are reasons to study Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
Electrical Engineers enjoy high starting salaries
Electrical & Electronic Engineering is firmly in the top half, with a salary in a professional job rising above £24,000. This means that graduates benefit from a degree of this kind, and whatever time and money you put in now will pay dividends come life post-graduation. With Electrical Engineering, you are helping society and getting paid a decent wage for doing so.
Global opportunities
You will be hard pressed to find a corner of the world where electrical engineers are not required. And there’s even opportunities to study abroad too!.
Electrical Engineers are always in demand
What with the rapid expansion of the technology sector over the last few decades, the demand for those who can create, understand and alter electrical control systems has risen accordingly. Computing for one is constantly evolving and therefore innovative new thinkers are required to configure new ideas and pave the way in electronics.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering helps people
For any budding altruistic engineers out there, you’ll be pleased to know that the profession is built on the idea of improving systems to help humanity. Smart phones, for instance, have revolutionised the way we communicate, electrical systems in medical equipment allow us to monitor more effectively the behaviour of those in need, and the electronics in security systems allow us to feel more secure.Electrical & Electronic Engineers therefore offer an unquantifiable benefit to society; if you want to be part of that then perhaps a degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering is the one for you.
Electrical Engineers are at the forefront of future technologies
Electrical engineering is at the forefront of developing new technologies for a number of industries including transport, healthcare, construction, and robotics. What an exciting time to be alive and what an exciting time to be a electrical engineer.