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Funded Projects

S.NO. Name of Principal Investigator Duration of project Name of the research  project Amount / Fund received Name of funding agency Year of sanction Department of recipient
1 Er. P. Muniraja Chandra, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 1 YEAR Design and Development of Portable Plastic chip crusher 7,500 Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology 2022-23 Mechanical Engineering
2 Dr. N. R. Shanker 1 YEAR Quality Measurement of Oil in canteen items using Nano Sensors 9,500 TNSCST (Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology) 2017-2018 ECE
3 Dr.Anjan Kumar Shahu 1 Year Generation of Drinking water from humid atmospheric air and costal
7,500 TNSCST (Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology) 2018-2019 Mechanical

Research projects funded by government and non-government agencies

Grants for research projects sponsored by the non-government sources such as
industry, corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution


S.NO. Name of the Project/ Endowments, Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator Department of Principal Investigator Year of Award Funds provided Duration of the project
1 Bio Toilet Mr.S.Ramkumar Mechanical


2018 10,000 1 Month
2 Smart India Hackathon-Hardware Edition Mr.A.Mohanasundram EEE 2018 20,000 6 Months
3 Wind turbine Mr.A.Mohanasundram EEE 2017 20,000 2 Month
4 RCDC Mr.Syed Zubair Mechanical Engineering 2017 275,000 10 Month
5 Embedded System Labarotory Development Dr. N. R. Shanker ECE 2016 33,579 6 Month
6 Compaction factor test apparatus Mr.R.Manikandan Mechanical


2016 10,000 2 Month
7 Turn table apparatus Mr.B.Ashiq Mechanical


2016 12,500 1 Month
8 HC Refregeration System Mr.R.Manikandan Mechanical


2016 45,000 2 Month
9 Cooling tower Dr.Mohd F.Shabir Mechanical


2015 49,218 1 Month
10 Linear Induction Motor Mr.A.Mohanasundram EEE 2015 20,000 2 Month
11 Solar car Mr.R.Manikandan Mechanical Engineering 2014 1,50,000 6 Month
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