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Essay Writing Competition

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Essay Writing Competition

English Literary Innovative Forum (ELIF)

English Literary Innovative Forum (ELIF) had conducted an essay writing competition on 24 JAN 2022 on account of 73rd Republic Day Celebration of our country. The competition was held virtually on the topics (i) “What makes India incredible?” (ii) “Your experience in adapting to the new normalcy after Covid-19” and (iii) “Are women and men treated equally in our society?”. The program was conducted in the view of giving space to the students to explore social issues, which in turn would enhance their cognitive ability. The students presented their ideas with utmost creativity and tremendous research skills. The results were announced on 25 JAN 2022. Out of 59 entries received, A.R. Mariam Jeeran (EEE – IV Year), D. Rahul (Mech. IV Year) and K. Raufa (CSE – I Year), won the first, second and third prize respectively.

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