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Workshop on Internet of things
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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Association with the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
organizes : Two Days Workshop on “Internet of Things” on 26.10.2023 (Thursday) and 27.10.2023 (Friday)
Participants: II Year ECE Students.
Venue: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory.
Time: 09:00 AM – 03: 50 PM
Student Coordinators: Umar Farooq N – Final Year ECE
Aasiq A – Final Year ECE
Mohamed Thariq Ali A A – Third Year ECE
Mohammad Thoufeeque A – Third Year ECE
Mohamed Wafiq N – Third Year ECE
Kabilesh T – Third Year ECE
Faculty Coordinator: Prof. A. Mohamed Mydeen
Convener: Prof. Dr. A. S. Salma Banu Head, ECE Dept.
Patron: Prof. Dr. S. Sathish, Principal.